#1 Supplies sale
Supplies sale
We offer a vast variety of agricultural supplies necessary for your production, mainly those that are friendly with the environment.
Irrigation supplies, bio-stimulants, phyto-regulators and, liquid and solid fertilizers.
#2 Professional advice
Professional advice
We have a team of experts willing to help you with your crop. Assuring that you'll obtain the best production yields and become part of the Eccommunity.
#3 Fruit harvest and transportation
Fruit harvest and transportation
We offer harvest advice for a correct production. Also, we provide bins and transportation to the processing plant.
#4 Quality controls
Quality controls
Once the fruit arrives to the processing plant, it has to go through several strict controls. Assuring that it will fulfill our distinguished quality standards.
#5 Vanguard technology cold chamber
Vanguard technology cold chamber
We preserve the fruit in perfect conditions from its arriving until the optimal moment for its commercialization.
#6 Classification, selection and packaging lane
Classification, selection and packaging lane
Our latest technology process lane, provide us with a manual selection followed by an exact fruit classification by calibers. Then it gets packed and ready for the commercialization.
#7 Domestic and international commercialization
Domestic and international commercialization
Our high quality standards allows us to supply the domestic and international market with our Ecco friendly boxes!
We distinguish ourselves by our high quality and innovative services, our premium fruit, love for the environment and, our strength as a community.